April 14, 2013


Sorry for not updating as frequent..
 I know, I know, I lay that on the table pretty much all the time after few weeks not updating. 

It's pretty much because I am STILL (yes!) trying to really figure out what in the world should I do with my life. 
My goodness, am I considered as a loser or a failure simply cuz I am already 24 and still CONFUSED?

I really hope not. 

I honestly wish I could just pour EVERYTHING here & let people read 
and perhaps give me some advice or letting me know that I am not the ONLY one who's going through all this unnecessary dilemma. 

Oh, believe me I have so MUCH in my head right now! 

Wouldn't wanna influence you with my negative vibes now, would I?
So here's some happy thoughts!

My B was here few weeks ago and oh you have no idea how much I've missed her! 
Too bad she didn't stay long. :|

You can go check out my Keeks with her and my forever irreplaceable darling Giz as well!;)

Keek is probably also one of the many reasons why I haven't been updating here that much. 

That's my B right there ;)

We didn't take that much photos as well :3 
Cuz it's either the three of us were busy keeking or having too much fun :P

Other than that..
I am thinking of changing my blog layout again. 
Wait till when I have more time to actually be in front of my laptop all day without any interference. 

I might or might not update again today, 
cuz I feel like the mood to blog is finally here.. 
So I just might look for things to update about. 

Thank you for not giving up on my blog, 
thank you for coming back here once in a while to check up on me. ;)

Talk to me, will you?
I would LOVE to know what do you want me to blog about sometimes!

Blog again soon loves!

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