April 11, 2014

Our news; Alhamdulillah!

Salam & Hi!

So..I guess it's about time to share with you my lovely readers, our most precious news ever. 
If you can..try guess from the photo.
If you got it right, 
then yay!

..but if you have no clue..

Just to let you know that both Jojoe & I are expecting a little one coming very soon!
*throws confetti* 
Weeee #alhamdulillah! 

My baby and I are currently in the 23rd week!
Yes, already in our second trimester. 

If you wonder why I didn't go all public earlier than this..
Let's just say I like it that way. 
As much as I love sharing about my private life, I do have my own sort of "timeline" on when I should let people know about a certain something. 
Just like my wedding, right?
You're lucky that I didn't wait for this little one to come out THEN let you know. 

 I found out that I was pregnant on December 17th, 2013.
So apparently I was busy travelling around here and there when I was few weeks pregnant..
No wonder I was so easily tired and I slept most of the time!

I had sour cravings, but regarded the fact that I am probably pregnant at that time,
but a few close friends suspected that I am. 
..cuz I always looked pale, I sleep almost all the time when I got the chance to sit down somewhere bahaha. 
 But Alhamdulillah, 
I didn't go through terrible morning sickness; but it does happen once in a while -except it happens usually at night. 

During this pregnancy so far, the worse thing would be my back.
Oh how it would hurt pretty much everyday!
But it's okay, 
I am super duper thankful for all these experiences that I am having! 

I can already feel my baby moving as early as 16 weeks, I think?
If not a week earlier. 
At first I thought it was just gas in my tummy, but then I remembered that I have a little one in me!

Already at 22 weeks, we could check the gender & we did, 
but I guess our baby is just not ready to show us just yet so that'll have to wait.

I can feel my tummy expanding and I'd have to say it does hurt sometimes, 
but again..it's still a "nice" kind of hurt you know?
Every pain for now is worth it all, In Sha Allah. 

Pray for our baby to grow healthy and come out as healthy and clever as she/he can be, will you?

So now that you know..
Can that be an excuse of why I haven't been updating my blog & my OOTDs?
It's either cuz I got too tired or I have nothing to wear now!
This is a hint that I should start shopping for preggy tops and stuff, yes?

Thank you Allah for this beautiful life you've given me,
Thank you for my other half, and also this precious little one. 
Can't wait for you to meet us, little one.
..but take your time, I enjoy your presence and movements in me. 

So I guess I would probably blog more on my pregnancy now, yeah?
We'll see.

Blog again soon!

April 3, 2014

AppTalk; My fav phone apps!

Salam & Hello!

I have to admit, I am quite attached to my phone most of the time.

I used to have a lot of apps in my old phone, simply cuz I wanted to try every app I can download (pretty much haha) also cuz it has bigger storage!
But ever since I got my new phone on my birthday; because of the number of apps I tried, 
it is easier to just download the ones that I love the most. 

Most of the apps before this just fills up my screen and phone storage without me really using it..
so I don't really see the point of me keeping unused apps, no?

I don't really have that much games or songs on my phone..
cuz I would usually play games on the iPad..
..and I don't really listen to songs that much. 
Apart from when I am in the car or in the shower, maybe. 

Even my iPod is not fully utilized lol. 

Now these are probably the most common app that we all HAVE to have, yes?
It keeps me occupied, it makes waiting tolerable. 

My Dayre, ohgod. If it were a house it would be full of spiders. 

Now this app, is useful!
Shazam - is an app for you to sort of "google" a song that you don't know but you wanna know. 
Say if you're in a cafe and they play this beautiful song and you just NEED to know what's the title?
Simply click on Shazam; let Shazam listen to it, and boom! 
It'll show you the title, from what album the song is from and also the artist. 
Pretty handy. 

Below; my most most useful apps that I just cannot not have in my phone. 

Left; Battery Doctor ( I think I mentioned this one before) and Right; Data Usage. 
The Data Monitor doesn't really work for me, that reminds me I need to get rid of it:/ 
Battery Doctor should be everybody's best friend hahaha.
Especially for people who likes to charge their phone overnight!
You should know you shouldn't. ;]
Battery Doctor tells us when to pull out the charger so you wouldn't overcharge and ruin your battery, haaa. 

Data Usage is SUPER USEFUL for people like me, 
who loves to go on Pinterest or Tumblr while I am on my 3G/data. -.-
I would always reach my internet quota earlier than I am supposed to..
by using this app I can monitor my everyday usage so I won't overuse my data in a day.  
How awesome?

As for photo editing..
I don't really have a lot, cuz I think I am currently over the phase of editing my photos. 
I used to have so much more..
I might have another phase of photo editing in the future bahaha. 

Squaready is for making my photos square- for my instagram, of course.
..and one app I would like to highlight is the top right; 
Most fav among all. 
Go ahead and try it, you'll know what I mean. 
That pretty much explains why my skin is always flawless looking  in my IG most of the time 
Come on, people should know by now that most of us girls do that in IG.:P

Last two apps;

Iman is pretty handy too, 
it's by far the best Islamic related app I have. 
It's very practical; it has this Kiblat navigation thingy that's easy to use and In Sha Allah accurate.

There you go!
My fav apps- so far. 

I think need to start a personal project very soon, 
to keep my creative juices running as well as to occupy my time more. 

I'll blog again soon, 